Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 14 - 15

Hi parents!
Yet another successful week! Despite the bad weather, the Friday´s outing was a success. It was a well-organized and planned out educational lesson divide between the three services - the police, the fire and the public transport, meant to teach the 6 year olds how these department handle crisis and what the children should do in case of an emergency. Some of the children were concerned if they had a fire detector at home. They might be assured of their safety if you show it to them. 
Everyone was at school on time which made the long bus ride to the venue least stressful! Good Job! 

Week 15
  • Letter of this week is G g
  • As the preschool children have dropped 100 teeth, we are going to celebrate it on Thursday with a fruit salad and a short film about dental hygiene. It would be great if the children could come dressed in white if they want. You do not need to buy anything. 

Week 16
  • It is APT for the staff members on Tuesday the 19th of April. Fritids closes at 16:00.