Friday, April 15, 2016

Week 16 - 17

Hi parents!
We are working intensively on the letter sounds and reading this week and the next. The children have come a long way in their reading and writing skills. Moreover, they are working on geometrical mathematical terms, like corners, sides during their Math groups. Practicing at home will help them retain all the newly acquired knowledge.

The G window was great grand and glorious. Most of the children remembered to contribute to it.

The 100-teeth-party was a success. A Big thanks to Sigrid´s mother - Jenny for supplying the activity books to the three classes.

We had a case of stomach flu at school today. Be warned!

Week 16
  • Letter of the week is I i.
  • It is APT for the staff members on Tuesday the 19th of April. Fritids closes at 16:00.

Tom and Stella 
Tom and Walter

The gym lesson

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